August 11, 2022 6 min read

Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals
Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals

Shopping for a sectional can feel like a tremendous task. Your family is only getting larger, and your circle of friends that come over for movie night is expanding beyond the capacity of your trooper of a sofa that’s been with you for years.

But how do you find the right sectional for your home? Purchases of this scale should not be made without research. What are the most common types of sectionals? How do you go about choosing a sectional that’s right for you?

At Furniture Fair, we believe in helping customers find the perfect fit for their furniture, which means helping customers learn about the furniture purchases they are considering. We want you to find the best sectional for you, and this article will help you learn more about what is suitable for your needs.

This article will teach you about the most common sectional types and which will suit your needs. Whether you need a sectional for the basement, den, home theater, or living room, Furniture Fair is ready to help you find the right one. Read on to learn about the most common types of sectionals.

Which SectionWhich Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionalsal Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals
Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals

The Most Common Sectional Types

While there are many types of sectionals – especially if you choose a customizable option – you will find five common styles at most furniture stores. The most common types of sectionals are chaise sectionals, L-shaped sectionals, U-shaped sectionals, stationary sectionals, modular sectionals, and reclining sectionals.

We will talk about the most common types in this article, but we will also cover a few popular styles between these common types. Customization is always an option and may be the best option for your particular sectional’s requirements.

Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals

#1 - The Chaise Sectional

The chaise sectional is among the most popular choices for large and small spaces. The classic L-shape of this sectional sofa offers ample seating for family and friends, while the chaise provides a comfortable place to recline. These sectionals are common in small spaces but work in larger areas with other furniture.

Think of a chaise sectional as an extended sofa. The chaise sectional may be for you if you need seating the size of a sofa but with a bit more seating room. You can also get a reversible chaise sectional that can be moved from one side to the other depending on which side you want it to be on. Reversible sectionals are great if you like to rearrange your furniture.

Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals
Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals

#2 - The L-Shaped Sectional

The L-shaped sectional is another popular choice. In most L-shaped sectionals, one end of the seating area is longer than the other, creating a unique and customizable layout. This style can easily fit in the corner of your living room or sit in the middle to separate your living space from other sections of your home.

An L-shaped sectional can help designate one space from the next if you have an open-concept apartment or home. If you are getting to the point where you think you need two couches instead of one during movie night, an L-shaped sectional may be right for you.

Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals

#3 - The U-Shaped Sectional

Much like the L-shaped sectional, U-shaped sofas are exactly what they sound like: a sofa with two sofa sections or chaises on either side to form a U. These sectionals accommodate a large number of people, so they’re perfect if you have a large family or group of friends.

While this style may not be best if you have a small living space, larger living rooms and entertainment rooms will accommodate a U-shaped sectional. Are you looking for the perfect sectional for you and your friends to watch the game? A U-shaped sectional will seat everyone and then some.

U-shaped sectionals are also terrific if you host family get-togethers over the holidays or when the family is in town. The ample seating space is excellent for catching up, and the chaise area can also double as a bed for nieces and nephews.

Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals
Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals

#4 - L-Shaped Sectional with Chaise

Not to be mistaken with a U-shaped sectional, an L-shaped sectional with a chaise is an upgraded version of the original L-shaped sectional. The addition of a chaise lounge creates an extra-roomy seating experience for you and your friends.

If you don’t have the room for a full U-shaped sectional but need as much seating as possible, the option is the ideal balance. The chaise adds a multi-use section to what would only be one seat on an L-shaped sectional while keeping the sectional at a smaller profile than the U-shaped sectional design.

Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals

#5 - The Modular Sectional

The next sectional on this list is the modular sectional, which is an excellent option if you need a more tailored approach to your sectional. All pieces are finished all the way around so that they can be combined as desired for a changeable layout if you move frequently or are entertaining.

You might pay a little more for the finished look, but you gain flexibility that may pay dividends if you know you are moving or plan to move soon. Modular sectionals are also terrific if you need a specific size that isn’t quite available in traditional measurements.

Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals
Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals

#6 - The Reclining Sectional

Reclining sectionals are a popular choice for their space and comfort. Available in various shapes and styles, they are popular in larger living rooms, basements, and any other room you may want to sit back and relax in. They work best in larger spaces.

Reclining sectionals can feature manual or power reclining, and many feature cupholders, USB charging, built-in lighting, and storage consoles. With a custom reclining sectional, the options are even more diverse.

This type of sectional is the one you think of when you imagine a home movie theater or that football megafan’s themed basement. Fans can watch games from the comfy edge of their seats, while those less-mesmerized by the sport can recline and relax.

Think of the reclining sectional as the luxury choice in sectionals. Reclining sectionals are no longer big and poofy like the ones you may see in basements. Reclining sectionals can be sleek with contemporary designs and all the modern amenities. Some reclining sectionals have hidden storage for remotes.

Power reclining sectionals do require a power source. If plugs are not available near where you want your furniture, you will need to purchase rechargeable batteries. You will also need to calculate the space for the pieces to recline into the measurements.

The average reclining piece needs 6-8” from the wall to operate correctly. If that space is not available, you may want to consider a wall-hugger reclining sectional. A wall-hugger recliner feature means the back slides down and inside the frame, so it only needs 2-4” of clearance behind the pieces.

Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals

Which Sectional Is Right For Me?

Now that you know the most common sectional types, you may still not know which type is right for your home. Here are a few ways to tell which type will work best in your living space.

The wedge corner shape is a big deal. A square wedge typically makes more sense if your space is smaller since it uses much less space. A curved wedge requires, on average, about 40% more floor space but does look more dramatic in more significant, more open spaces.

One of the biggest challenges in buying a sectional is not just fitting it into the room but getting it to where it will ultimately rest. If the path to its final resting place has a lot of turns or is tight, you have fewer options. The biggest reason for many sectional returns is the space needed in the house to transport them.

A sectional that is only composed of two pieces needs a lot more clearance for transportation and has trouble getting into basements because of the length of the piece and back height. A sectional that breaks into smaller pieces, such as one with a separate wedge, or a modular sectional, is easier to bring through tight spaces.

Reclining sectionals are sometimes an option for tight spaces because many recliner backs come off, making the pieces more mobile and less bulky. Find out whether or not your sectional will fit before making a purchase, so you won’t be disappointed when your new sectional doesn’t fit.

The biggest thing (pun intended) about finding the right sectional is ensuring it fits through your hallways and into your space. Once you know that the sectional fits, you can relax and rest easy, knowing you have a piece that fits and a piece you like.

Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals
Which Sectional Is Right For Me? Types Of Sectionals

Ready To Find The Perfect Sectional For Your Home?

Now that you know the most common types of sectionals available at most major furniture retailers, you will be better prepared to decide which sectional may be right for you. Keep in mind that each sectional has unique advantages.

Remember that an essential part of purchasing any sectional is ensuring the piece will fit in your home and through any doorways, hallways, stairs, or windows necessary to get to the room.  

If you’re ready to purchase a sectional or want to check out our selection, consider visiting Furniture Fair! We have various styles in different colors and upholstery types, and we have interior designers trained to help you find the perfect sectional for your style. Visit us at any of our locations in Cincinnati, Dayton, Northern Kentucky, Southern Indiana, and Louisville.