Reclining sectionals are a popular choice for their space and comfort. Available in various shapes and styles, they are popular in larger living rooms, basements, and any other room you may want to sit back and relax in. They work best in larger spaces. Reclining sectionals can feature manual or power reclining, and many feature cupholders, USB charging, built-in lighting, and storage consoles. With a custom reclining sectional, the options are even more diverse.
This type of sectional is the one you think of when you imagine a home movie theater or that football megafan’s themed basement. Fans can watch games from the comfy edge of their seats, while those less-mesmerized by the sport can recline and relax.Think of the reclining sectional as the luxury choice in sectionals. Reclining sectionals are no longer big and poofy like the ones you may see in basements. Reclining sectionals can be sleek with contemporary designs and all the modern amenities. Some reclining sectionals have hidden storage for remotes.
Power reclining sectionals do require a power source. If plugs are not available near where you want your furniture, you will need to purchase rechargeable batteries. You will also need to calculate the space for the pieces to recline into the measurements.The average reclining piece needs 6-8” from the wall to operate correctly. If that space is not available, you may want to consider a wall-hugger reclining sectional. A wall-hugger recliner feature means the back slides down and inside the frame, so it only needs 2-4” of clearance behind the pieces.