Quality long-term investments are not only a thing for Wall Street bros and your retirement account. Investing in long-term payoffs can be a part of your trip to the furniture store too. While shopping for new furniture, you may not be thinking about how long your furniture will last and what materials go into the manufacturing.
It turns out materials make a big difference in the longevity of your furniture, and one of the best materials to invest in for a longer-lasting sofa, recliner, or dining room table is solid wood. But what makes for a solid wood furniture design? How do you know which brand features solid wood construction and what makes them better than other brands?
Furniture Fair carries brands that offer solid wood manufacturing, and we want to highlight some of the best natural wood brands near Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana that we carry and why they are a worthy investment. After reading this article, you will have a better idea of what is solid wood furniture and which brands are worth the investment.