July 31, 2022 4 min read

Many people don’t realize that their wall art requires upkeep to stay in peak condition. Like with your car, your furnace, and your home, simply waiting around for stuff to break is an imperfect solution that will cost you time and money.

Thankfully, maintaining your furniture is much easier than maintaining a car, even if you aren’t aware of the steps yet. You might wonder, “How do I fix my bubbling wall art?” or, “How do I get a crease out of canvas?”

You might think you must resort to drastic measures such as stretching your canvas or other destructive methods, but that is not always the case. Depending on the type of canvas, a little elbow grease, and some simple tools can do the trick.

If you are curious about keeping your wall art from looking warped, bubbled, or creased, this article is for you! At Furniture Fair, we want our customers to be happy with their purchase long after they’ve made it, and regular upkeep using the methods below and a good cleaning process can ensure that your wall art stays beautiful.

This article will teach you one of the most accessible processes for correcting bubbled, warp, or creased cotton canvases. Read on to learn how to maintain your wall art and keep it looking new.

How To Fix Creases And Dents In Your Cotton Canvas Wall Art
How To Fix Creases And Dents In Your Cotton Canvas Wall Art

How Can Canvas Art Prints Get Damaged?

Art prints can be damaged for any number of unexpected reasons throughout your home life. Improper wall mounting could result in the canvas falling and denting or creasing. A move to a new home could result in a dent from packing or a few ripples or bubbles from storage or transport with higher, more humid temperatures.

Be sure to do as much as possible to prevent damage to your canvases, but if the unfortunate happens, there are a few ways to fix some types of cotton canvas damage. Check out our tips for repairing a creased, bubbled, or bent canvas art piece.

How To Fix Creases And Dents In Your Cotton Canvas Wall Art

What Types Of Canvases Can Be fixed With This Method?

The method used in this article is for cotton canvases only. Between cotton and linen canvases, cotton is more flexible and can withstand stretching and expanding better than a linen canvas. This is also why cotton is more likely to get dented or creased.

Cotton canvases tend to look much more uniform and machined than linen canvases, which is a good way to tell them apart. You should not use the cleaning method in this article to try and fix other canvas types, as it may not work and could lead to more damage. If your canvas is cotton, you should be good to go.

How To Fix Creases And Dents In Your Cotton Canvas Wall Art
How To Fix Creases And Dents In Your Cotton Canvas Wall Art

The Tools You Will Need To Fix Your Cotton Canvas

The tools (or tools) for the fix are pretty simple, and just about everyone should have one of them lying around the house. All you need to start is a glass of water (not for drinking, mind you), a paintbrush, or your fingers. You may also use a friend’s fingers, but be sure to get permission to borrow them first!

How To Fix Creases And Dents In Your Cotton Canvas Wall Art

How To Fix Your Cotton Canvas

Now that you’ve got your tools ready, here’s how to fix the dents or ripples in your canvas. Dip a brush or your fingers in the water for the first step. You don’t need to get it soaking wet, just enough moisture to dampen the canvas slightly.

The next step is to lightly brush or rub over the crease on the back of the canvas. Make sure you saturate it pretty well without completely drenching it. During this process, the organic cotton fibers will naturally expand with moisture.

The next step is to lightly brush or rub over the crease on the front side of the canvas. Even if there’s paint on the canvas, it will absorb the moisture because the canvas is cotton. Once the fibers begin to dry, they will contract into their original form.

The last step is letting the painting dry, which should remove the crease or dent. This process shouldn’t take very long at all. If the crease or dent is still present, try the process again.

If this process does not work, there is still another solution you can try. Try and match the color of the paint where the crease is and then paint the back side of the canvas under the offending area. This should help fix the site.

How To Fix Creases And Dents In Your Cotton Canvas Wall Art
How To Fix Creases And Dents In Your Cotton Canvas Wall Art

Now You Are Ready To Fix Your Cotton Canvas

Now you are prepared for the next time your cotton canvas has an issue with dents, bubbles, or creases in the material. Remember that you can use water and a brush or your fingers to help ease that canvas back into shape in no time.

If you have any questions about art prints or want to see the art print options available at Furniture Fair, feel free to drop by one of our convenient locations in Cincinnati, Dayton, Louisville, Northern Kentucky, and Southern Indiana.

If you want a furniture expert to help you find the perfect accessories for your home, schedule an appointment with one of our furniture experts and have them help you discover which accessories are suitable for your needs.

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