July 18, 2023 1 min read

The Little Things: Helping A Family Rebuild After A Fire

In the face of adversity, our communities unite to lend a helping hand to those in need. Such is the inspiring story of the Hoffman family, known for their incredible dedication to fostering children and their commitment to giving back to the community.

The Hoffman family has opened their hearts for many years and provided a haven for over 50 foster children. Their home has been a sanctuary where love, care, and stability have flourished. However, after a tragic house fire, the Hoffman family lost all their belongings, including essential furniture.

Recognizing the Hoffman family's immense impact on the community, Furniture Fair has stepped forward to assist in furnishing mattresses and home furnishings for their home to help make rebuilding easier and to ensure their essential work with foster children continues.

The Hoffman family's unwavering commitment to fostering children has touched the lives of countless individuals within the community. The devastating house fire that struck their home served as a rallying cry, prompting the community to come together and support this remarkable family.

In addition to Furniture Fair's contribution, numerous individuals, businesses, and organizations have joined forces, offering assistance, donations, and resources to help the Hoffman family get back on their feet. You can help donate to this great cause by visiting the Hoffman’s Gofundme page.