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for every room!
December 04, 2017 1 min read
Updated January 18, 2021
While family gatherings are filled with love and cheer, they’re also infamous for being a lot of work. Looking to upgrade your furniture for this year’s festivities? Don’t worry, Furniture Fair has this one checked off the list for you! See below for some perfect upgrades for you home:
Dining Table: When someone says “family gathering,” the first thing you probably think about is people. Second, food. And regardless of how big your dining table is, it never seems to fit all the food and people who show up. A rectangular table tends to save space compared with a round one that seats the same number of people.
Sofa: Pre-dinner. Post-dinner. Everyone, from your 3-year-old nephew to your in-laws, seems to cozy up on the sofa for snacks, drinks, and movies. Get a sofa (or two or three) that will fit the whole family.
Guest Bedroom: If you have a spare bedroom, it’s likely most in-demand during the holidays. While you want something nice for your relatives and friends, it doesn’t make sense to go all out for furniture that won’t be used daily. Having a comfortable bed is the thing that they’ll care about most—and that’s where you should spend your money.
Want to see these options in person or chat about other choices? The Furniture Fair design team is always here to help!